Osteoporosis is a decrease in the density of the bones.
An Osteoporosis means that bones lose its stability and break without a severe trauma. Most people with this “weak bones” are of higher age. There are several factors who have an influence. Bones need to be used and trained, then Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 are important to keep the bones in good shape. Another factor is the state of sexual hormones. With the loss of sexual hormones during age the bones can lose their strength. So I recommend women over 50 years or during menopause to let their bone stability be checked (Knochendichtemessung).
I offer you a specific laboratory check of micronutrients and the hormone status as prophylactic step to conserve or to better your bone stability. With special treatments the stability of osteopenic or osteoporotic bones can be raised 5% per year.
I could offer you a detailed one hour anamnesis in my office to start with and an individual Diagnose – and therapy plan.
Please contact me, I will be happy to advise you.
Yours, Nadja Mey