Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine.
This holistic system is based on the simplified assumption that the healthy body is in energetic balance. If this balance is disturbed for various reasons, each person reacts with different symptoms or illnesses, depending on their energetic constitution type. Acupuncture serves the purpose of restoring this balance and thus healing the illness.
This system of traditional Chinese medicine is very complex and involves a wide variety of factors in order to be able to make a holistic Chinese diagnosis. After a detailed anamnesis and a physical examination, I draw up a therapy concept which usually comprises 8-10 therapy sessions of 20 minutes each, once or twice a week.
Acupuncture can be used to support all diseases. Here are a few examples.
- Migraine
- Tension headaches
- Muscle pain
- Joint pain/inflammation
- Allergies
- Exhaustion
- Digestive disorders
- Hypopausal symptoms
- Bronchitis
- Nervousness
- Restlessness
- Sleep disorders
- Smoking cessation
Please contact me, I will be happy to advise you. Yours, Nadja Mey